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Alexa Hop

Adventures of a Couponista and Mommy's Money Saving Obsession welcome you to Week one of Work Together Wednesdays- a blog hop to bring our Alexa Ratings down. For those of you who don't know what Alexa is, here is a brief explanation. Alexa lists all sites on the web by the amount of traffic they receive. This is recorded by the Alexa toolbar. The goal is to get your number as low as possible. If you are hoping to get advertisers on your blog or sponsors, many of them want to know your Alexa rating and this can be a major factor in whether they will consider you or not. You can see full details on the Alexa page HERE.

In order to participate in the Work Together Wednesdays hop, you need to do the following:

1. You must have the Alexa Toolbar installed. You can install it HERE
2. You must follow both co-hosts Adventures of a Couponista and Mommy's Money Saving Obsession via Google Friend Connect. Please leave us a comment when you do so we can stop by you too :)
3. Have fun! Visit each of the blogs on the list and make sure to click around the site and let the pages load fully, don't just hop on the first page and then bounce out. Leave them a comment so they can visit you too.

4. Promote! You do not have to but all of our ratings will get better if a lot of bloggers know about this hop. You can promote it by grabbing the button (below), doing a post on your blog, mentioning it on facebook, tweeting it or whatever other way you can think of (within reason;))
5. Visit daily! This linky is open all week, so be sure to visit each page daily. With everyone hopping around this week, our numbers are sure to go down significantly! 

Adventures of a Couponista

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